Here i am looking at the work i have done in editing the shape and designs of the body. I am not too sure yet whether i want the body to resemble a person and therefore have human characteristics or whether make it completely fictional, and use an inanimate object.
I started at looking at the basic shape of the Cardboy and seeing if i could edit its layout in anway to change the design. But to be honest they all looked pretty horrific. They resemble Cardboy too much, and i don't want it too look like Cardboy at all, its just useful for development. I need to look more broadly for the structure of the body.
For the human characteristics i began by looking around the classroom and seeing what the most commonly worn clothes were, which were:
Plad Shirts,
Once i had established these i decided to take the square body of cardboy and see what illustrations would fit within it to resemble the individual clothes but not detract too much from the designs on a whole themselves. I think that it is important for the illustrations to remain simple and not become over complicated and draw to much attention to any singular illustration. The clothes are important because they give the character some sort of definition and they can be recognised. also if i make the designs simple then the colours can be edited easily which means if i want to colour code the designs then it can be done easily.
after doing some basic sketches i decided that if i were going to do a Human character then i would use the hoodie, this is purely because of the fact it can be easily manipulated and edited to create different characters. This could be done with the colour and shape etc. I want it to be a universal design and generally at some point a student ill have worn a hoodie or owns one.

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