We have had lessons learning about the Type and Grid, and how they interact with one another in order to create different layouts. Lorenzo, told us that we had to take a magazine layout from one for the magazines we had previously done the grid for and alter it. We had to do this using thumbnails, which actually turned out to be very useful and i will be using this in the future. We had to do 16 variations of the one layout then pick our 2 favorites, enlarge them and then put them into indesign to realize our ideas. This was a very time consuming task but i really did enjoy it. Its a useful skill to have being able to recognise the different grids used within magazines and newspapers, and learning how to alter them accordingly will help me in the future. Especially if i want to go into layout. This was something that i had never done before and therefore i new skill that i have now picked up, what is good about it is its so easy to do.
I had taken an article from 'Closer' about a man who is paid as a look a like, and as the current theme within the news is politics and who's going to be the new Prime Minister, i thought it appropriate to choose an article where this man is inpersinanting David Cameron for a living. Its amazing what people can do for a bit of money. I read the article and found it quite funny, and decided to completely change the layout and not mimic it in anyway, instead turn it into a boring and maybe plain in order to reiterate the boring(ness) of politicians. I created a variety of different layouts and settles on the two images below.
1. This layout is fairly simple and boring, which is what i was aiming for. Something that will draw the attention but make it look fairly dull. As the article itself is quite funny i want people the read it of their own accord. And by drawing too much attention at first means they'll just read the big titles and leave it. So i thought instead make it a sort of 'teaser' put some funny text in bold and large and let the images and the article speak for itself. Using this larger layout also means i can get the whole of the article within the piece, which is good. There are a few changes i will make to this layout when i take it onto In-Design, like highlighting some key text but apart from that the layout will mimic this as best i can.
2. This layout is another nice one, i like the way the text is split across the center of the page and there is a lot of surrounding dead space which means all eyes are on the image and the main text. My problem with this layout is there isn't enough room for the information without it all looking too cramped which means you miss a lot of the article, which in turn will loose the funny side of it. I do like the one picture but i think if i were to take this on then i would maybe add the other image on the other side, but i want to see how the iamges actually blow up before i try it.
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