End Evaluation

Tuesday 23 November 2010

BA HONS                                                                                      LEVEL 05

Module Code: OUGD201

Module Title: Design for Print


Name: Robyn Russell

Blog Address: http://r-russell9012.blogspot.com


1. What practical Skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

This module has been about learning processes and applying them to the work that I want to do. Therefore, my skills have developed in a variety of areas. For example, with this project I have learnt how to succesfully create mock ups that illustrate the commercial process by using the  facilities I have available. An example of this was my Toilet Roll idea, printing on toilet roll. In the industry, the process is called flexography printing but for me to illustrate what I meant I had to mock it up myself. This was achieved through screen printing on toilet paper. Through this process, my skills improved in using screen printing facilities as well as learning that you can successfully print on toilet paper. Also, a lot of my project involved me being hands on in making nets. This has definitely improved my skills in working with nets, whether it be hand making them, designing for them or getting everything laid out so that the printed versions fit perfectly together. Through this project there has been a constant ongoing skills development with software. This includes the workshops we were given, and my own personal development with software such as in-design (for layout purposes and printing examples) as well as illustrator (for my design work). I have also pushed myself to give my work that professional edge. A lot of this has come from photographing my end products, utalising the skills I already had and improving them to make the photographs look more professional. I feel that this shows my work at its best. My overall research skills have improved drastically by making the work I research appropriate to the design work I want to do. Overall, I have developed a lot of skills in this project, in separate areas, and then utalised them as a whole.

2. What approaches to methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Researching has become key to my methods of problem solving. I've found that through this process I have become more informed and therefore my project has become more informed. I have learnt that the better my understanding through research, the easier it is to solve problems that have arisen from my project. I have also found that asking more informed and specific questions to tutors has really benefited me. For example, I was very confused about the process of printing on toilet roll. Speaking to Lorenzo and Fred steered me toward more information about the process thus solving my problem. I have also been talking to my fellow students a lot more about my project. This has helped me identify small problems and correct them accordingly. Over the module, there have been people that have known my project from the beginning. Due to crits, they understood what I wanted to achieve and gave me clear advice through a different pair of eyes. This was very helpful when solving certain problems. Constantly doing all of this has helped me stay focused with regards to my design process because I continuously ask questions. This has generated a more informed and functional product.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have you capitalized on these?

My research has become more focused and driven towards what I am producing, helping me make clear and understandable design decisions that are applicable to what I am doing. This has also made me more confident in the work that I am producing and what I am designing for. My project has become a lot more focused. It hasn't once wavered off track which tends to be what happens with my work. I have deliberately made myself focus by using the skills I mentioned earlier. This has been hugely beneficial and contributed significantly to the quality of my work. The range I have developed across all areas has been a great strength as well as helping me develop skills in different areas that are all transferable from one to another. Another strength of my project was my development in time management. I have managed to cover a large variety of topics in my research whilst still having time to develop the ideas as fully as possible.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these fully?

I have tried very hard with this project not to have any weaknesses, in any areas, because I knew I was planning on doing a lot and didn't want my work to diminish  in quality because of this. I think my main weakness was starting to design a little too late. This did put a bit of pressure on me, but I worked out my time management accordingly and my project hasn't suffered because of this.

5. Identify things you would improve next time and what you would expect to grain from doing these.

- Pushing myself because I know now how much more I can achieve. This will improve the quality of my work as well as giving me more opportunities to learn new things.

- Producing professional looking work - I am getting there but still need to improve on this.

- Spending more time designing - generating more ideas and avenues to investigate.


In general, I am very happy with what I have achieved with this project. I have learnt a lot and have applied these new skills and knowledge to the best of my ability. The products I have produced have been fun to design and I have pushed myself to be innovative and creative. There are many things that I can take away from this module. Not just things that I have learnt, but a new style of working and approach to things that I didn't have before. I know now more about my potential than I did before which has opened up lots of different avenues for me to explore in the next module.