DVD Cover for print

Sunday 13 February 2011

After choosing the DVD cover and selecting the type that i am going to put on my DVD, the final image is below.

Admittedly the colour is a little bland, but thats the reason I picked it as i have mentioned before. I am really happy with the design because it will blend well with the packaging and it says exactly what needs to be said without over complicating it. By blending the style of font with the packaging and product itself again links them both together so they become a packaged deal.
The next thing to do is get the DVD printed to see how it will actually look, if i remember correctly the printer in the mac bubble is fairly accurate with regards to colour and accuracy with regards to detail. So hopefully this will work well.
The only other idea i have had is to add an asset i have used in my animation just to give it something else, so i may put on the image of the skull so it has a little more to it.