Edited Start to Title Sequence

Thursday 10 February 2011

Here i have changed the beginning bit, so instead of the cannon ball being fired from a cannon its a cannon ball being fired from a ship. When i spoke to Fred in my tutorial he told me that it needed to be made more obvious what was happening at the beginning, so i decided to use a different asset to start the sequence. I am still really happy with the cannon firing at the screen because it just grabs the attention. I showed my other house mates (not the graphic designers!) the ident and they really liked it because it did grab and hold their attention instead of a sequence just playing out.

I am much happier with this beginning it just adds to the title sequence and style of the piece. It ties in with the theme and backs up the whole concept. It just seems to be a lot better for the transition to the island instead of the cannon. The cannon just sat there and had no context whereas the ship does and it doesn't look out of place anymore.

I added the cannon fire at the beginning, this gives it more of an explosive feel. It also covers the beginning audio, so it doesn't just seem to awkwardly start. It adds to the motion of the cannon ball being fired at the screen because adds to the atmosphere its creating. It would also grab the viewers attention.