Above: Crude drawing of shop...
Cupcake shop ideas: (Seeing as i don't want to go overboard and set myself too big a task, I have selected a range that i can use in my brief to create my products. Now i may not be using all of them but at least I have given myself options)
1. Logo - Once I have the logo sorted it will be quite simple placing this onto other appropriate design work.
2. Selection of bespoke posters that fit within the shop, this is something I can mimic with the packaging possibly.
3. Bag - Bag designs to take away food etc
4. Boxes that hold cupcakes
5. Labels - the labels will have to be designed for the cupcakes so show what they are, this will focus around appropriate font and layout
6. Apron - Staff fitting, but this will almost certainly rely around the logo design.
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