Web design brief

Saturday, 21 May 2011

After creating all the pages and their links, the next step was to create the appropriate pages to correspond to the tag lines.

Once I had created all the pages for the separate services of the company
i then wanted to create a small blurb that would explain each service in a very
generalized way. again adding to the function of the website, and the overall image.
It just adds another quality to the page. 
The next stage was to create the services page, I wanted to create sub-pages within this so that the viewer could navigate quite easily to the website that they wanted it. I did this by creating more .html pages and linking them in the exact same way as i had done for the previous roll over buttons.

I then placed the image within the banner space. I think
this does look really sophisticated and professional which was
my main aim. I am really happy with how it looks.

Then I wanted to create a banner image that would sit along the
top of the website, this was so it would add another
visual quality to the page in an interesting way and guide the eye. 

I am really happy with my colour choices because they are very
vibrant compared to the whole page so they really stand out
and attract the eye. And by colour coding them this way it
helps the functionality of the website. Very clear and simple was the
main aim.

Once i had worked out how to link the pages and get them working
i then decided to look to create the individual buttons for each section. I
wanted to colour code them so they would stand out and it would
be a little bit more colour on the page. Using the colour palette i had already
chosen i broke down the individual sections and changed the hue to represent
different services. 

On this page i chose some of the images i had taken from websites i liked
and then using a grid format i placed them in. I wanted to have emphasis
on different areas so that they could be clearly seen. I didn't want to bombard the
viewer with loads of images because theres quite a lot of services.

The first button i created was very basic, I just wanted to get
the functionality of it right before i even tried to put the page together.
Once i had created the button i then linked it to its relevant .html page.
The next stage was to create the contacts page that would hold all the information about the individual designers and their contact details. As well as a map and the address and contact numbers for the company. I also wanted to include a little blurb that would have a little bit of additional information about contacting the designers etc.

I am happy with this layout because it is all clear and works
really well as a grid, everything is lined up really well.

I created the full page layout in photoshop, I wanted to see whether
it was possible to create the whole page and then insert it into the page
so that it would sit exactly where i wanted it to.

Below are all the images i decided to use for each person, I wanted to get images that would have a little bit of character to them, just so that they were a little more personable.

Here I was creating the about page. I wanted a general overview of the companies policy and personal aims to help their clients. One of the main things we promoted in our presentation was working closely with clients, so I wanted to make that very clear in the blurb about the company.

Once i had created the text i then went into photoshop to
create the appropriate body copy in the appropriate text.

Having already decided that I would split the boxes so
that there would be split text, i needed to mark out the size
of the box in relation to the text I would be adding, just so I
had some dimensions to work from when I went into photoshop.

With this code i was trying to work out how to add the
lightbox2. Which we were told would be quite easy.
I eventually gave up on it after following several tutorials on
youtube and my own notes. There was probably something really 
easy that I had missed but i couldn't work it out. So I decided to use
another banner image to have on the page instead.
Now that i had created all my templates and had linked up all my pages I could start designing. I decided to take a lot of the mage i would use from professional websites that I had been looking at to go study for my placement. This way i new the work was of a high quality and it would interest me. Also the variety of companies that i looked at would have a variety of work that i could showcase on my website.

Here i am creating the image for the home page. As i had outlined in my sketches and templates for this website, I wanted a large image that would act as a banner to go across it so that immediately it would grab your attention.

I then went into photoshop can created the text i wanted
and transfered it onto the website. I am happy with this layout
because it grabs your attention straight away and the text just adds to it. 

In order to test how large i could have the text i mapped out 
what i wanted to say before i went into photoshop and then 
created the image type to place in.

After taking the image i just placed it quite easily into the box,
because i had already cropped it, it slotted in perfectly.

I began by splitting the main editable space into a table
that was broken into two rows, one for the image and the other
for the text.
I had to create a template to then create the rest of my pages from it, breaking it down into .dwt and then 4 more .html pages that would hold the other information. 

The news page

The services page

I changed the text in each box so that when i was on the page
it would show to me which page was which so i wouldn't get

This is highlighting the tab that would go with the news
page, and the editable region that i would intern break down
to put my info in.

the next step was to create the individual pages that would
correspond to the labels eg, services, news, about etc.

Here it is logged that i now have a template frame
to work from, using the system we did when we were taught 
how to lay out the page. 

Here i am trying to create the editable region to create my
template from around this page. This way when i create my new
pages i can then have the same basic frame to work from.