Web Design

Saturday, 21 May 2011

In order to put together the website for my enterprise group I needed to focus down the information and the layout of the website. Already given the restrictions of having to create on 5 pages It limits the information that I can put on which is good. So I had to break down the info that we had already and what i needed to get. I knew it was going to be case, for a lot of the images, that i needed to find images that i feel would best represent the work we would do. For this I intend to use a lot of the work that has interested me in my placement choices, that way its relevant throughout. 
Each break down has its own information, I intend to fit the majority of information onto one page, this is to make navigating it very easy, instead of them having to move around loads to get different bits of information. 

I have taken inspiration from websites that I have visited while searching for my placement, this way I know they function from a design perspective. I want the website to be smart and sophisticated, focusing on type as well as the occasional image.

I put together some very basic layouts for my website, just to give myself a skeleton to work from. I did some a while back but now I know how a web functions and I have a better understanding of the restrictions its easier to draw up a more realistic layout. 

My first page will be simple. With an attractive image
of a company product with a small tag line about Vision. This
just grabs people straight away, and they can navigate too and from 
it easily. 

The second page which would be the about page,
would be again fairly easy to read. With a collection of images
to outline the products as well as two chunks of info that would
be about the company. 

The third page would be the services page, this 
would outline all the products. I intend to try and create
sub pages for this website, so that people can navigate too
and from the appropriate website. 

the contact page again is fairly simple, its just going
to be about the people that work there and a map
and contact details. again all on one page for ease
of navigation.

And lastly the news page, seeing as this would be a
running dialog I would like it to be fairly simple, with 
current information on it about what's going on.