Presentation Boards Layout

Thursday, 26 May 2011

After drawing out my layouts I have tried to stick as closely to the initial layouts as possible. Although in some cases it wasn't quite plausible because the angle of the images was slightly different, or they needed to big bigger etc. However I have adjusted these accordingly. I wanted the boards to have a bit more of a focus opposed to just a collection of images on the boards.

I wanted to have the main new logo as the main
attraction of the page. And then have a selection
of the development underneath to show a range
of solutions and decisions I had made. I like this layout
because it focuses the attention and is fairly self explanatory
with the hierarchy i have used.

I also wanted to put on the contextual realisation of the
logo by putting the wrap around on for the cup. This 
then showed how the designs would function. I essentially
split this board into two, by having the sachet design on because
it is of a similar nature.

I have pretty much taken the same layout I had already
marked out for the boards in my initial ideas, except I have changed
some of the photos around because I think they are more
fitting and really show the potential of the cup in a clear
and distinct manner. 
 Here I have been playing around with the layout of the board for the packaging. I already knew the images I wanted to it was just a case of aligning them in an attractive way so the board would be informative but functional.
Here I have slightly miss aligned the images to the left
bringing in the photos so that it isn't quite semetrical. I like
the miss alignement but im not sure it looks quite professional

In contrast to the above image I have lined the images
up to the boarder line so that it creates a squared off space.
This way there is a lot of white space that breaks up the images
so that they stand alone in their own right. I think this works
because it gives a much crisper outline to the board. 

Lastly i tried aligning them next to the photo. I like this
but i think I am going to use this sort of style on another board
so im not sure reparation would be that attractive. I also
dont think theres enough breaking up the images so you can
appreciate them separately and as a whole.
 This board is all about the range of packaging, outlining the different factors to the packaging and what can be done. I wanted it to be very simple, just based on informing the viewer what's really available and letting the images really speak for themselves.

I really like this board because it is structured to deliver
the appropriate information. Giving a clear outline to the
functionality of the products and how they would work and
what their range would be. I added an extra image just to 
contextualize the function of the packaging.
 This board is about the cup and the menu, and basically outlining the interaction people would have with the menu and it's main functions. I didn't want to over complicate the board, it works as an outline to the functionality of the design.

I aligned the images to the left and next to the main picture
so that there was a clear link between the menu in the image
and then the photographs of the menu break down. I really wanted
to focus on the key elements of the menu which were the flavors and 
the offer. Illustrating how it can be used and why.

 This board is all about the website. Unlike the original board i created I have since made more web pages to help illustrate the function and as they are all relevant i wanted them to all be on the boards.

I have laid it out in quite a systematical layout to the 
page because i think they need to be clear on how  the
individual websites function and how they work
as a whole. I wanted to outline the key websites which
are the delivery and main pages. That way you can clearly
see how it all works together.
 I have put together the last board with the range of proposals on them, thats quite a few different ones so it was all about breaking them up so that you can clearly see the the definition between products.

I arranged them at different angles across the page so you could
then see how they would function separately and as a whole.
I like this structure because it encompasses everything but you
can appreciate the individual details.