Project your Inner Batman

Saturday 30 January 2010

The next stage of my development was to look at Batman silhouettes. I wanted to test the best way to project the silhouette onto objects, whether it be buldings or just objects. I bought myself a large torch with a big lamp to give myself a good projection..or so i thought. I also put a cut out silhouette onto my lamp in my bedroom to compare what was best. These were only tests but i was hoping it would help me suss out how the images would look and help gage distances etc for the best picture.

The images that i took using my bedside lamp worked very well. A lot better than i thought they would. They gave a clear and crisp image which was strong. Also there was enough light around the silhouette for it to form a recognisable Batman signal shape. although it was only projected in my room it still helped me see the potential of the silhouette. Below show some of the images that i took with the lamp. as you can see some are clearer than others, the ones taken from further away do distort that shape but it is still recognisable, if i had a stonger form of projection it would work.

The next part i was looking at using the torch that i had bought. At the time this seemed like a really good idea i couldn't see it not working. However once i attached the cut out to the torch it was terrible. The images were so unclear, you couldn't distinguish the shapes at all, it looked horrible. I took it outside to see if it may have just been inside that was effecting it but when i got outside the images were worse, not only did the image not show up but because of the light pollution to it made them even worse. I was very disappointed about this, i thought that it would work and i would be able to project the image onto buildings. I had to go back to the drawing board, either to think of a new way to project or to try a completely different idea, which was a shame because i really liked this idea and i think it summed up batman perfectly. Below are the images that I took, just to show how bad they really were.

I decided to go back to the drawing board and try out a different silhouette that was smaller that might work with the torch, unfortunately the results were exactly the same. However it project it with the lamp again and with the new silhouette it was even clearer, i knew it would look good it was just frustrating think about what i could use to project the image. another idea i had while project the images onto walls and my celling i thought it might be good to project the shape onto clothes in order to give it a 'rippling' effect, as seen in the comic books when the sign is projected into the sky and on the clouds. The image always looks a little disjointed. I tried this out but came to the conclusion that the images i was getting were too unclear, and although some of them worked a lot of them didn't and if i wanted to take this further i would have to use specific clothing. Having said that it was a good experiment and helped me work out framing and the right angle to shoot close ups.