Bag Packaging

Monday 21 March 2011

Nick and I spoke today about the bag packaging. We both decided it would be good to incorporate the diamond style packaging into the bag design. It is different and hasn't been done before. The idea is that it would be larger then the packaging and would hold the lanyard, and the promotional chocolate packaging. In order for it to be carried it would be held by fishing wire so that it seemed to dangle in space, again giving it something different and edgy. 

Above: Side view, front view and top. 

Above: Added the green and blacks logo, simplified
the promotional packaging design and placed on the front.

The bag would be held together by a concertina fold,
that would be elasticy in style so that it would hold the products

Above: Added the golden gradient so as to
appear like it is shiny, again simple packaging
that illustrates the product.

Above: the concertina fold along the edge would be
blacked out so it would match the front and the back
packaging style. creating a simple and stylish bag
that looks sophisticated and matches the rest of the promotional
products we would be giving away.

I really like the style of this packaging, it looks interesting and more importantly it still functions as a bag, which is the main thing. It gives of a clear image or the brand and identity we are trying to create and would hopefully engage consumers in a different way, because it is so different. As this is also a viral campaign, people would see this bag on other people and would want one, hopefully engaging more consumers with the Green and Blacks brand.