Presentation Board Ideas and layouts

Wednesday 16 March 2011

As i am in charge of the presentation boards, i wanted give us a big variety to help illustrate out progress so far. 

I started by looking at an appropriate background. I wanted to see how it looked and whether it was visually engaging. I played around with the placement of the type so as to see whether it worked better in certain areas apposed to others. As we were having images i didn't want it to be lost. 

I also changed the colour of the making it slightly darker and having the type darker so as to appear like a spot varnish. Again adding to the idea of luxury and quality. 

I also tried out using the a plain background. this worked quite well because it meant the images would stand out. I added the information along the bottom to give it a sense of what it would look like with our concept outlined. 

These are all experiments looking at using the boards as portrait. I do prefer portrait to landscape, but we have a lot of images and sometimes its easier to use a landscape board as the information fits better. 

Again with the darker background i have taken the information and reversed it out so that it can be read clearly and understood. I think it looks quite good but it stands out, its very visually pleasing. 

The information taken from the presentation boards we have already done. 

I have a couple of the images onto the boards to see how they stand out. They work well because the dark background immediately creates a boarder around the images so as not to wash them out. 

I have tried the second board in white with the images to see how these work, and whether they work better. Im not quite sure they do, i think it looks very boring. I am a fan of white space but it just doesn't seem to fit well. 

I have changed the layout slightly by pulling the images down. but i still think it looks too messy. I realise we need to retake the images but as a mock up these work for now. But this could be why i dont like the board. 

I do prefer this image but again don't like the layout. I think it is right to draw your attention to one key factor but i don't think the rest of the text works around it. 

I do prefer it on the blacked out background because i think it looks crisp as everything is framed perfectly. But again not too sure about the overall look, it does need some tweaking before and the images need retaking. 


I have tried putting the boards into landscape because we have a lot of big images and they can be best displayed with more space. I have created a box that would house our information and the information about the product. This means its mobile and can be moved around so the mages are best represented. 

Here are some examples of the fact it can be moved around. I have tried the dark background again, so that the white stand out. I defiantly prefer this to the white images and i think we can use this style in the future. 

I have tried placing the images on, i think it works well again because of the automatic boarder that is created around the images giving the definition. 

I have taken the box idea and removed it to add smaller detail about the images and concept we have come up with. I was practicing with different fonts, i think using the Green and Blacks too much makes it look too generic. And we want the information to stand on its own against what we have created. I have chosen to go with the sans serif, its the biggest contrast to the serif font they use.

Here I have added the new font and layout to the new boards. I have also managed to get the packaging concepts off of Nick so i can create the third board. The use of the landscape boards really helps display the packaging in a clear and functional way. 

After I spoke to nick and showed him the various options for the layout we decided on the boards below to use in Show and tell. They display the images well and are very simple, hoping that out concept will speak for itself once we have laid it all out with the other images and mock ups we have created.