Eco Nation... universal eco speakers

Sunday 9 May 2010

ECO NATION - Eco speakers

This is a set of speakers that i picked up from Urban Outfitters. The reason i picked them up was firstly to look at their packaging and then to look at the product itself, because of the fact it was self assembly.
This is a really innovative product that has a really nice take on recycling. It is appealing and very visually engaging. The outer packaging itself, is very simply done with a restircte colour palette making certain things stand out more, making certain things more eye catching. What i really like is the word play with DIY - changing it to 'Design it yourself'. This is very cleverly done, and makes the product feel lighthearted. When you flip it over, the type a long the bottom is pretty self explanatory, its very sophisticated and not childish. Its relatable as if a friend were saying it to you. Then you look at the illustrations, these are very unelaborated. They speak for themselves and are extremely easy to follow, with some instructions on putting the box together plus what you can do with them, and there is no type explaining because the illustrations are easy and you dont need to type.

The product itself, is unique and a great idea. the concept is similar to a product i designed when doing my DT project in A levels, i designed a wireless rock to put in your garden that you could decorate to fit in or to stand out etc. The product is simple and the whole DIY concept really makes it unique to you. Like the fact it comes in flat pack (when it arrives) and that you put it together using the simple illustrations. The product is easy to put together and the tabs make it a sturdy product The stock used is recycled card, which gives it a ruff texture and it is fairly robust. My only criticism is that fact its quite hard to get the product out of the packaging without bending it slightly. As for the sound, not really that impressive but i dont think you'd buy these as your proper speakers they are essentially jumped up headphones.

I really like the product and theres a few packaging things i will take on with mine.