Net 2. Cylinder

Wednesday 19 May 2010

This was by far the hardest to work out. I went through a variety of different nets and tab structures but in the end i've had to scrap this idea. The reasons for this were, i managed to get a net that worked and made the structure. It held perfectly together and i thought i'd finally worked it out. The whole idea of making a cylinder shape without glue is a lot harder then it actually looks. So i decided to then made it out of card to see if the structure would hold in the stock i was going to use. It was going well until i slipped the tab through the side and let go, the whole structure sprung open and would not hold on its own. I realise card is a robust material but this was a very annoying side affect. So i then though if i could wrap it around inside on itself it may give it some more strength and therefore hold in the future. This just turned out be even worse than the first attempt. The whole thing just looked so messy and it was extremely frustrating trying to get it all to hold, and i would not expect the next years students to have patience for this.

So as i said i had to scrap this idea, which was a shame because i really like the idea of having a cylindrical 'friend'.