Click Background

Monday 3 January 2011

Click background from Robyn Russell on Vimeo.

As before I have used the same animation for the Click that i liked and created a very simple background for it. It's nothing special by any means but it was more for me to know that i could create a layer in illustrator and import it over for the background (Show below).  Once I had added the same sequence to the background I had to change the opacity of the layer because you couldn't see the type all that clearly, and if i'm honest you still cant see it as clearly as you could. But as i said before this was more of an experimentation to see how easily it could be done. I have also realised that splitting the background into different layers so they could be animated separately would actually be very visually interesting, so this is something I am defiantly going to be investigating further after Christmas and when we get back to start the title sequence brief.

Below just shows a simple key frame sequence to show you what is happening within the animation and how the background works. With stills like this you can clearly see the type still isn't 100% visible  but it does give you an idea of the potential for future animations. 