Long John Silver Test

Sunday 30 January 2011

For the next lot of tests, i have taken the animation of long john silver that i am using and transfered the skills/style from the tests i did with Jack Sparrow. It was easier to do it after i had first tried it out because i knew that i now only needed to use one stoke to animate the full sequence. The whole animation works a lot smoother and the speed is right because it isn't taking too long to animate. I also added the background that i have been using to see what it would look like with the animation on it. I really like it because i does look like ink being drawn onto the map. I altered the perspective in order to give the layer more depth and an interesting angle to view the drawing.

With this next sequence i added a new layer of light. Mike had showed me and Polly how to alter camera angles and he said that lighting may add another depth to it, so i thought i would experiment. I really like the color because it adds to the transition that is happening with the drawing. It emphasizes what is happening. This lighting technique is defiantly something i want to incorporate into my animation. Although i haven't quite worked out fully how to use it so i am going to have to experiment more.

With this video i added the audio that i have been experimenting with (Parlay - Pirates of the Caribbean) and also added text at the end. Now i don't think the text actually works that well. It seems too crisp. However, i do like the style so i think the best thing for my to do it hand drawn my own font, but using this font as a guideline. As for the audio, i wanted it to build to a crescendo so that when it moved across (which it would in time) then it wold give it a good sound bite for that transition.

All in all im happy with these tests, again they have shown me new things i can incorporate into my animation. The key im finding is to keep it as simple as possible. Add things that have a good effect and would match the style i am trying to create, but at the same time keep to the basics we have learn't because i know how to use them.