Get people to tell the truth more..

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Its hard to get people to tell the truth more when they are adults, as tey have had a lifetime of lying to people and to themselves and suddenly asking hem to give that up wouldn't possibly work, or go down that well. So the best way to tackle this is by attacking it from a different angle, looking to emphasizes on kids that telling the truth is better then telling a lie.

In order for this to work you need parents to enforce this and so i think the way we should be looking at it is not 'get people to tell the truth more' but make it easier for people to tell the truth. There are a variety of ways in which people can do this, and one of the most common is the use of a book. This could either be geared towards parents, with suggestions on how to tell the truth to our kids more effectively or a book that is designed to tell the truth to your kids without you having to say anything.

In order for parents to understand the problems that grow from telling a set of white lies, there could possibly be an accompanying book for them that shows them the consequences. Although some are a little extreme they do stem from the problem.
Consequences of telling a lie:

- People who lie, ALWAYS get found out
- If you lie and get found out people don't trust you
- Builds up a false sense of security
- Develops problems later on with trusting people if you have been lied to a lot
- Embarrassment of finding something out that you thought was true and was infact a lie
- If you are lied to a lot you are more likely to lie, and that can lead to hurting people when you are an adult (i.e cheating on people, sleeping with other people etc)
- People can become defensive
- People may be seen as gullible
- People lose respect for you if you are found out to be a liar. (Boy who cried wolf)
- Compulsive lying is not a genetic or scientific problem it is a problem derived from bad parenting.
- People lie to get out situations and therefore become unreliable and can get shunned by friends and family

These are but a few problems that stem from telling lies but all are legitimate.