Muzzy Mock Up 2

Monday 22 March 2010

As I previously mentioned, Chris and I needed to find a binding that was appropriate to our book. We needed the book to open easily and show all the pages, as well as stay open, and not have the next page flip over once your turned it.
So, when we went down to Vernon Street, we asked the tutors what would be the best way to achieve what we wanted within a Japanese bind. We looked through a range of different binds and books and settled on the binding below. This is a double bound book. Instead of having the back flat, you put in another fold. This enables the book to open from both sides. The book still remains sturdy and you can read the pages within easily. The book also stands up well, and it makes the pages easier to turn. In order to do this our binding string would have to be looser then normal in order the have room for flexibility.

^ Front Side

^ Back Side