Retail outlet placement

Saturday 12 March 2011

Since the Crit I realised that placement of the outlet was vital to it working. So i have decided to look into ways of fitting it within images of the Victoria Quater. Now these images really arnt great but i am more interested in the style then the placement of the structure, as I am sure Nick has more appropriate angles that could be used. 

I started out doing a trace with a dark grey, this means
the structures colour can stand out against it. Also you
can pick up the detail. Its sophisticated and crisp. 
This next one is a little too washed out you cant really
see the detail. It makes it hard to look at. 

I am not really sure about both of these to be honest. I think theres too much going on that takes away from the structure. I think i am going to try a different style, perhaps just line drawings. It means you can see the product more clearly.