Ticket images

Saturday 19 March 2011

After taking the variety of images of the new ticket designs. I have selected the best from the bunch which show the tickets in the best light. I have taken a selection from each style and from each stock. Just so that Nick and I have a choice when it comes to using them for the boards, i need to check with Nick which ones he thinks are best. 

this is the ticket printed on clear acetate. I have layered the 
tickets so that is it you can get a sense for what it would look like.
The only problem is it isn't that legible due to the fact its clear 
and you can see both sides through the stock. 

I have also taken two of the separate images for the clear stock
so that you can see how each side works individually. I think that
these are best because they show how it works best. The lighting
reflects of the paper showing the clear sides and how the textures 
would work. 

This is image of the clear ticket, it shows the layout
clearly and how people would view it. Again the light
refracting of the surface shows the effect it would have out-

This is the rectangular ticket. I have taken two different images
with different lighting, one slightly darker and one slightly lighter
so as to show the different light and how it would make the
ticket shine. The light creates a grainy feel to it which i think
works because it gives it another texture. 

These are the two tickets laid out. they both show the
ticket in a good light, having certain things shine, adding texture.
I do prefer the diamond ticket because it looks more exquisite and
sophisticated which is what we want.