Template Layouts - Presentation Boards

Wednesday 23 March 2011

After tuesdays crit on our presentation boards Nick and I decided to go through the exact style that we wanted our boards to be in. We knew that we wanted them to be simple and essentially let the images speak for themselves, providing basic information to outline the concept and what's going on on the boards. 

This first board shows the layout for the tickets and the retail outlet. Putting them on the same board would mean that they run together, it shows it in a step by step way.  With the logo and information wrapped around each other on the bottom left corner. 

This second board would showcase the pattern created by the promotional packaging and it would also show the packaging in context. Essentially this board is all about  the promotional packaging. Again information on the bottom left hand corner. 

This next board would be showcasing the concept for the promotional bag showing elements that would go inside the bag as well as the context in which the bag would be used.

These are only rough ideas as to how the layout will look, but it helps give some structure to what we want to have on the boards and how many images etc we will need.