Light and Lines

Thursday 3 February 2011

Lighting and the infamous map lines.............

It was quite hard working out how to add the lines successfully to the map and get the motion so that it changed its pace. I had to keep editing the amount of lines there were within the text layer so that when it came to me pulling out with the camera they would still be across the map linking the assets (once added)

I started with the spot light directly on the center, so that it immediately draws the eye to center of the frame. I wanted the light to help enhance the moments across the map, giving depth and shading and overall adding to the visual. 

I edited the size of the spot light so that it would encompass the island in the center of the light, again keep the eye focused on the action happening. 

Then when i zoomed in on the map, the light followed to the areas that action was happening in or on, so that it would help keep the focus. 

By widening the cone, it encompassed more of the the map and let the not so important bits fade in the background, but its still traveling across the screen. 

Again here i have edited the cone of the spot light to encompass the area where the top 10 would show in order for the eye to see what is being written clearly. 

The only problem i do have with the lighting is that at the end it is a little too bright and not so easy on the eyes and can make you squint slightly. I think here i am going to make it fade to black and possibly bring the cone inwards so it would do it slowly.