EXAMPLES of toilet roll layout

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Here are some of the examples of the toilet roll, its really hard getting the text in line without it falling off the page and it creating a hyphen which is what i really want to avoid. However as a set you can see that it works. Its hard trying to get everything the same size because some of the stats are a lot larger than the others.

  1.     2.  


1. I like this design the design works well, the text is
readable. The only problem i have with it is that
the text may be too thick which is making it look
like a big bit of black text which isn't what i want.
I think i may have to readdress it. 

2. The second is frustrating, because even though
i changed the kerning to help it fit within the box but
no matter what i edited i still ended up with a hyphen which
was very annoying. Again i think by changing it from
bold will help get the text to fit better within the box.

3. I haven't changed anything within this design
apart from the logo itself, originally i changed
the opacity just to emphasize the text but now i
pulled it back to 100% it actually works better
with the bold text, so if i decide to stay with the bold
text then i will keep the opacity at 100%.