Packaging Images

Sunday 21 November 2010

Once i had printed my toilet roll i wanted to see what the whole product would look like. So i put the packaging together with the toilet roll. Overall i am really happy with this product, it does exactly what i designed it to. Its simple and informative as well as being interactive and novelty, which will hopefully really engage students. Putting the whole product together really gives a clearer perspective on what the product can do and how it will actual feel. 

I took a variety of pictures of the toilet roll and packaging, and chose a few which i have put below that i feel best show the product. 

I really like this image because it gives the idea
of the toilet paper being used, pulled out and rumpled
up. It also shows that if this does in fact happen
because of the gap you can still read the next fact. So
no matter what you will always be able to read the message.

Here i was focusing more on the text, and putting
LAST in the frame so that it clearly links to the 
product and concept. You can read the text on the
toilet roll clearly as well as being able to read the
text on the side of the box. So if you read the toilet roll
and then the side of the box it would still inform you.

This image was showing the other side of the box
with the fact on  it. I wanted to play on there being
two facts at once, so no matter what the student
is constantly being informed, by either the box
or by the toilet roll itself. 

I especially like this photo, i think its one of my
favorites. This is because having the toilet roll
laid out underneath with a fact, which you can
read clearly, its also underneath the title 'your
informative toilet roll' and so both of the objects
link together. It plays on the whole idea of 'it
does exactly what it says on the tin' which i love.
Simple but effective.

I am really happy with these images and i think that they work really well and i will be using them to create my presentation boards, each image successfully speaks for itself and could quite easily stand alone. Each image shows the different print processes and how both the product and the packaging interact.