PDF - Billboards

Monday 22 November 2010

Billboard - PDF for billboard prints

Now for the sake of ease i have PDFed my billboard designs and shrunk them down enough in order to fit them on the web without crashing all the servers.
If i were to send my work to an actual printers this is what i would do:
Keep my file as an illustrator.ai file
The image size would have to be no bigger than 200mb
The size of the board would be shrunk down to 25% of the actual size which would be: 3048mm x 762mm
And then send this too the printers (redcliffe)
This would cost £465 for one billboard

I would also have to supply the stock which would be blue black paper for billboard use that is can use solvent and eco-solvent ink which would work with my UV paint.

[I have emailed a group of ink supplies to find out how much a batch order of UV paint would cost and i am still waiting to hear from them and i will update this section as soon as i hear from them]