Poster the face

Sunday 14 November 2010

I have just changed the colour of the face to add more depth to the picture. 
Which is exactly what it does by being in red, it again created the illusion of
danger and fear and gives off the 'blood' look. I am also working on the idea
of creating a poster that is just the face and the logo, because as i have said 
before the image works well on its own as it speaks for itself, and adding the
logo just adds more information and helps explain what is really going on 
within the picture. 

I added HELP on this poster, but i dont think that it works at all. 
It looks out of place underneath the image and with the logo.
Also the word HELP doesn't actually relate to anything else i have
written on both the packaging and the billboards themselves. 

I have softened the face in this image, it makes it look
like the girl is looking right at you having a more prominent
effect on the viewer. By making it softer it has also made the
colours a lot darker which makes it look a little more 
seedy which is what i wanted to do. 

Here i have just done an example with the face of how 
it would look in UV light picking out all the dark purple 
highlights. To be honest it isn't that great but it's just to 
give me an idea of what it could look like. I need to
photoshop this properly.

Here i have come up with a completely different concept 
for the face and that is to have the face and then when the
UV light turns on is to have large splashes covering the face
so you can just distinguish what is going on. It just adds 
another level to the poster and again helps add to the whole
'hidden' sex trafficking trade. This is a concept i may develop
for the face posters.