Toilet Roll - Photoshopping take 2......

Tuesday 16 November 2010

After printing my mock up designs off and making them i then placed toilet roll inside them in order to put them into context, these were made for the presentation boards i have to design. So once printed and photographed the next stage is to photoshop the text. the problem is i really couldn't get my head around the software in order to get it to work, if anything the images  i created are worse than my first attempt. I think this is because they are an awkward angle, and it will work better face on instead of at the side. The text just doesn't seem to blend with the photograph so it just looks like text had been stuck on top. 

This is turning out to be quite a large problem, and making me very determined to try and screen print on the toilet roll! 

I don't want to leave this idea, i am going to do my best to get it to work, the problem it by using my photoshop skills its making my product look very unprofessional which is the most annoying thing because i am trying to really get my work to have that professional feel about it.