More Logo design and colour

Saturday 7 May 2011

I have decided to take the original buttercream logo i liked and play around with it a little bit more, adding colour and seeing how it works. 

I decided to take the logo and switch the
est. to cupcakes, just to outline the product a little bit
more. I think im still going to have to try out different
things as a sub heading, i know i want one but im not quite sure what info yet.

i first wanted to try working in monochrome. 
I have made the butter in 3D, outlining the butter a little
bit more making it stand against the background. I think
it works quite well, but needs to closer. So i have changed it
and brought it a little closer, so its more subtle. 
Again i think it worksand its a definite possibility. 
I then used the outline of the title to make it
stand out, again this works well. It does make the cream stand out a little bit 
more than i would have liked though. 

With the three above I have taken the design and simply
changes the opacity and layering to get some different affects.
I particularly like the middle one, the yellow and brown/red
really plays well and works well together.
It gives more of a depth.

I have made the colours slightly darker so that it stands out
more against the background. My only thing is it may not work against 
other colours so well.